Introduce Yourself: “My Name is,” in Swedish and Much More!


If you’re planning to visit Sweden or want to move there, it’s important to know about the different ways you can introduce yourself in Swedish, and how to start a conversation.

Let’s say you meet a new person and want to know this individual more. There are some things you should keep in mind before you introduce yourself in Swedish, since Swedish introductions are different than in other countries. That said, a simple “My name is,” in Swedish can go a long way.

In this article, we’ll go further into the subject of introducing yourself in Swedish so that you’ll never be at a loss for words! You’ll have the Swedish self-introduction down in no time.

Table of Contents

  1. The Very First Meeting: Identifying Yourself
  2. Introductions in Swedish: Placing Yourself in Society
  3. Talking About Personal Stuff in Swedish
  4. What NOT to Talk About
  5. Final Thoughts & Tips
  6. How SwedishPod101 Can Help You Master Swedish

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1. The Very First Meeting: Identifying Yourself

First Encounter

The first step in how to introduce yourself in Swedish is identifying yourself. This means giving information to the other person about who you are: your name, your profession, etc. Any deep conversation or long-lasting friendship begins here.

1- “My Name is,” in Swedish

The very first thing you say when introducing yourself in Sweden is hello (or any number of Swedish greetings, for that matter!), and after that, you should say what your name is.

When meeting someone new, it’s very common to shake the other person’s hand and give them your first name. Keep in mind that if you’re the one who initiates the handshake, you should also be the first one to say your name.

If you’ve already met this person, shaking hands isn’t necessary. It’s also common to give this person a small hug—but only when both of you feel comfortable with each other, and have shared a conversation before.

Take a look at this example:

“My name is Emma.”
Mitt namn är Emma.

  • “My” = Mitt
  • “Name” = Namn
  • “Is” = Är

2- How to Introduce Yourself in Swedish in a Group

Group of Girls Talking

If there’s more than one person when you introduce yourself, it’s more common to just say hello and then state your name.

If you want to appear more friendly, it’s also important to tell the other person that you think it’s nice to meet them. For example:

“Hello, Elin. Nice to meet you.”
Hej, Elin. Trevligt att träffas.

But it all depends on how many people you’re going to introduce yourself to. If there’s several people in the group, a simple hello followed by your name is fine.

3- How to Introduce Yourself in Swedish to an Individual

Introduce Yourself

If there’s only one person you’re gonna introduce yourself to, then the conversation will be more intimate. This means that it’s expected to use longer sentences. For example:

“Hello, my name is Elin. Nice to meet you.”
Hej, mitt namn är Elin. Trevligt att träffas.

It’s also important to look into the other person’s eyes when talking to them. This will make them feel more comfortable around you.

4- Starting a Conversation in Swedish

Introducing yourself in Swedish is just the beginning. Once you’ve introduced yourself and told the other person your name, it’s time to start a conversation.

A couple of interesting topics you may want to consider are your age and nationality. But do keep in mind that some people may think it’s a bit weird, as Swedish people are a bit guarded. It may take some time before they open up, especially regarding age and nationality.

We do have a couple of relevant vocabulary lists you can study to prepare for these topics if they happen to arise:

2. Introductions in Swedish: Placing Yourself in Society

About Yourself

When you want to start a conversation in Swedish, it’s much more common to talk about your profession. So, after you’ve said your name and introduced yourself in Swedish, you can ask the other person what their profession is. This is a good conversation starter and may be something you can talk about for a long time.

Different Jobs

  • “What do you work with?”
    Vad jobbar du med?

Once the person you’re speaking with has warmed up to you, they may be interested in talking about their hobbies.

  • “Do you have any hobbies?”
    Har du några intressen?
  • “What are your hobbies?”
    Vad är dina intressen?

Music can also be a great conversation starter:

  • “What kind of music do you like?”
    Vad gillar du för musik?

If you don’t know how to start the conversation, they may initiate the conversation instead. This will make everything feel smoother for you.

3. Talking About Personal Stuff in Swedish

As everyone is different and unique, there are no set-in-stone right or wrong ways to continue a conversion after you’ve introduced yourself. As the conversation movies forward, you should naturally get a better idea of what your conversation partner enjoys (or doesn’t enjoy!) talking about. You can go from there.

For example, if you’re starting a conversation about your profession, you’ll notice pretty quickly if this person is comfortable talking about their job or not.

If you don’t see an immediate reaction or passion in the conversation, then it may be best to change the topic.

It may take some time before a Swedish person opens themselves up to you. But once you notice this change, the other person may be more comfortable with answering questions you have.

The best thing is to listen and see the other person’s reactions.

4. What NOT to Talk About

Piggy Bank and Money

There are a few things that Swedish people generally don’t like talking about, especially when you’ve just met. Be mindful of these things, so that you don’t accidentally offend them or make them uncomfortable.

  • Nationality

Swedish people don’t usually talk about their nationality or where they’re from. They’re also unlikely to ask about it. This largely has to do with the variety of different nationalities in Sweden; many people don’t see the point in talking about it.

  • Income

People in Sweden also never talk about how much they earn.

  • Politics

This might go without saying, but politics can be a very touchy subject. So definitely avoid this topic as much as possible.

  • Age

It’s not common to ask the other person how old they are; this information should only be offered voluntarily by the other party. Further, you should never ask a woman how old she is, especially if it’s an older woman; this is considered rude.

If, on the other hand, it’s obvious that the person you’re talking with is fairly young, it may be okay to ask. (But, again, it’s better if they just tell you voluntarily.)

5. Final Thoughts & Tips

If you don’t want to seem rude, then giving your name is a must.

But after this, people won’t see you as rude if you don’t continue a conversation. Swedish people are already pretty guarded, and it takes some time for them to open up, especially regarding personal questions. But you may find that certain topics can really get Swedish people talking and passionate; it all depends on who you’re talking with!

If you’re really interested in delving deeper into a conversation, it’s a good idea to talk about your own passions and hobbies first. Gauge the other person’s reactions while you’re speaking to determine if you should keep going on the current topic or not.

This will make the other person interested in what you have to say, and it doesn’t matter if she or he has the same interests. You’ve already shown that you’re passionate about something, and this will automatically make the other person more comfortable around you.

How SwedishPod101 Can Help You Master Swedish

SwedishPod101 Image

As you’ve probably noticed, people in Sweden has its own set of introduction and conversation rules and traditions, just like any other country.

Now that you have a better idea of how to introduce yourself in Swedish, we can help you learn many more Swedish phrases and grammar rules, easy. You can start introducing yourself in Swedish in no time. Here you can find great information on how you introduce yourself in Swedish.

In the meantime, why not practice? Leave us a comment below introducing yourself in Swedish! We look forward to hearing from you, and learning more about you!

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