Did you know that learning a mere 1000 words covers 85.5% of conversation?
In other words, you just need 1000 words to be considered pretty much fluent in a given language. You’ll only be at a loss about 14.5% of the time.
Doesn’t that make language learning sound easier?
That’s because it is! But only as long as you’re strategic with your learning.
As you set out to learn Swedish beginner words, mastering a small set of 100 to 200 words will take you a long way.
This amount of vocabulary will allow you to engage in more conversations and have more interactions, which will result in more learning and integration.
Sweden being a difficult country to fully integrate into, you probably won’t be able to build any strong relationships with locals unless you speak the language.
The more Swedish you speak, the easier it will be for you to have interactions with locals.
While you might be a long way from fluency, we all start somewhere.
Below, we’ve compiled and categorized 200+ beginner Swedish words that will prove useful as you set out on this language learning journey.
Without further ado, let’s dig right in.

1. Pronouns
The first set of words you should add to your Swedish vocabulary are pronouns. These are the words we use to refer to someone or something without actually saying its name:
- Did Sam go to the store? = Did he go to the store?
Here, we’ll cover three types of pronouns in Swedish: personal, demonstrative, and interrogative.
Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns are the building blocks of language speaking. It’s really difficult to have conversations without first mastering these, especially the first seven pronouns in the table below.
English | Swedish |
I | jag |
you | du |
he | han |
she | hon |
it | den / det |
we | vi |
they | de |
me | mig |
him | honom |
her | henne |
us | oss |
them | dem |
Demonstrative Pronouns
Demonstrative pronouns are used to make it clear what you’re referring to. These are pretty easy to memorize and learning them goes a long way.
English | Swedish |
this | detta |
that | det |
these | dessa |
those | de |
Interrogative Pronouns / Question Words
Interrogative pronouns, a.k.a the “Five Ws,” are paramount when it comes to asking questions. You’ll improve your responses in conversations drastically after you learn these, as they’ll enable you to ask for more details and extend your conversations.
English | Swedish |
who | vem |
whom | vem |
whose | vars |
what | vad |
which | vilken / vilka |
In a similar vein, you should also make sure to learn interrogative adverbs:
English | Swedish |
when | när |
where | var |
why | varför |
how | hur |
2. Numbers

Learning the first ten digits is crucial. This will allow you to understand the rest of the numbers much more easily, so definitely take the time to rehearse and learn these.
Numbers | English | Swedish |
0 | zero | noll |
1 | one | ett |
2 | two | två |
3 | three | tre |
4 | four | fyra |
5 | five | fem |
6 | six | sex |
7 | seven | sju |
8 | eight | åtta |
9 | nine | nio |
10 | ten | tio |
3. Nouns
Nouns are another essential component of spoken Swedish for beginners to learn. When used together with verbs, they form a complete thought—you can also use them by themselves in a pinch to express an urgent point!
Time is king, whether you’re in Sweden or elsewhere. Learning to express time will come in handy for daily conversations. Below are some time-related beginner words to get you started.
English | Swedish |
hour | timme |
minute | minut |
morning | morgon |
afternoon | eftermiddag |
evening | kväll |
day | dag |
month | månad |
year | år |
Monday | måndag |
Tuesday | tisdag |
Wednesday | onsdag |
Thursday | torsdag |
Friday | fredag |
Saturday | lördag |
Sunday | söndag |
Learning a few people-related words will help you get by in your daily interactions. You never know when you’ll want to ask where the nearest butcher is, or when you’ll need someone to call a doctor.
English | Swedish |
butcher | slaktare |
host | värd |
police officer | polis |
doctor | doktor |
nurse | sjuksköterska |
firefighter | brandman |
teacher | lärare |
father | far |
mother | mor |
sister | syster |
brother | bror |
Mr. | herr |
Ms. | fru |
Places Around Town

When roaming around Sweden, you’ll find it much easier to navigate when you know the names of the main places around town. This will be especially useful for using public transportation.
English | Swedish |
hospital | sjukhus |
supermarket | stormarknad |
school | skola |
downtown | centrum |
university | universitet |
city hall | kommunhus |
main square | stortorget |
bank | bank |
museum | museum |
restaurant | restaurang |
café | kafé |
police station | polisstation |
train station | tågstation |
bus station | busstation |
School/Office Essentials
Do you happen to study or work in Sweden? Then learning the names of your school and office essentials will help you feel more settled in your environment!
English | Swedish |
pen | penna |
notebook | anteckningsbok |
computer | dator |
pencil case | pennfodral |
headphones | hörlurar |
mouse | mus |
keyboard | tangentbord |
wifi | wifi |
charger | laddare |
cable | kabel |
backpack | ryggsäck |
desk | skrivbord |
copybook | skrivhäfte |
Body Parts
English | Swedish |
eye | öga |
nose | näsa |
ear | öra |
face | ansikte |
arm | arm |
chest | bröst |
cheek | kind |
forehead | panna |
mouth | mun |
chin | haka |
armpit | armhåla |
abdomen | buk |
leg | ben |
toe | tå |
finger | finger |
ankle | fotled |
hip | höft |
forearm | underarm |
elbow | armbåge |
wrist | handled |

Swedes have a diverse cuisine as well as a very dairy- and protein-centered diet, hence their tall builds. Here’s a list of common food names in Swedish:
English | Swedish |
ٍٍvegetables | grönsaker |
fruit | frukt |
meat | kött |
milk | mjölk |
egg | ägg |
coffee | kaffe |
yogurt | yoghurt |
bread | bröd |
bacon | bacon |
pie | paj |
ham | skinka |
chicken | kyckling |
juice | juice |
sausage | korv |
4. Verbs
Verbs are the words we use to describe actions and states of being. Considering their vital role in language, you should make sure to memorize as many basic Swedish verbs as possible right from the start.
Daily Routine Verbs
If you like to keep a journal, writing a few sentences about your day in Swedish can go a long way in terms of staying consistent with your studies.
English | Swedish |
to get up | att gå upp |
to eat | att äta |
to drink | att dricka |
to go | att gå |
to work | att arbeta |
to study | att studera |
to drive | att köra |
to ride | att rida |
to sleep | att sova |
to wake up | att vakna |
to hang | att hänga |
to do laundry | att tvätta |
to rest | att vila |
to work out | att träna |
to go out | att gå ut |
to prepare | att förbereda |
to cook | att laga mat |
to clean | att städa |
to wash | att tvätta |
to tidy up | att plocka i ordning |
to connect | att ansluta |
to communicate | att kommunicera |
to wear | att ha på sig |
to take (something) off | att ta av |
to grab | att greppa |
to mix | att blanda |
to hold | att hålla |
to freeze | att frysa |
to change | att ändra |
to move | att flytta |
Other Common Verbs
Below are a few more frequently used verbs…
English | Swedish |
to give | att ge |
to get | att få |
to do | att göra |
to make | att göra |
to let | att låta |
to ask | att be |
to smile | att le |
to find | att hitta |
to use | att använda |
to take | att ta |
to come | att komma |
to look | att titta |
to hear | att höra |
to smell | att lukta |
to talk | att prata |
to exit | att lämna |
to call | att ringa |
to feel | att känna |
to answer | att svara |
to laugh | att skratta |
to cry | att gråta |
to steal | att stjäla |
to run | att springa |
to walk | att gå |
to meet | att träffa |
to create | att skapa |
to finish | att avsluta |
5. Adjectives
Reinforcing your Swedish beginner vocabulary with a few essential adjectives can make all the difference in your conversations and writing. These words are used to describe the world around us, and they can add extra meaning to our self-expression.
Describing Objects
English | Swedish |
big | stor |
small | liten |
long | lång |
short | kort |
smooth | slät |
rough | grov |
Describing People
English | Swedish |
pretty | söt |
handsome | stilig |
disgusting | motbjudande |
sociable | sällskaplig |
funny | rolig |
quirky | knasig |
beautiful | vacker |
lovely | härlig |
caring | omtänksam |
selfless | osjälvisk |
arrogant | arrogant |
humble | ödmjuk |
courageous | modig |
weak | svag |
strong | stark |
Describing Emotions

English | Swedish |
happy | glad |
sad | ledsen |
joyful | fröjdefull |
angry | arg |
depressed | deprimerad |
anxious | orolig |
stressed out | stressad |
cheerful | munter |
Describing Weather
English | Swedish |
rainy | regnigt |
wet | vått |
humid | fuktigt |
dry | torrt |
sunny | soligt |
foggy | dimmigt |
windy | blåsigt |
stormy | stormigt |
breezy | blåsigt |
windless | stiltje |
calm | lugnt |
6. Conjunctions
English | Swedish |
and | och |
but | men |
then | sedan |
because | eftersom |
so | så |
7. Others
Filler words are pretty much the most native-sounding words you can learn. Below are five examples you can use.
English | Swedish |
oh | öhm / öh |
yes | ja |
uh / eh | ehm / eh |
therefore / thus | asså / alltså |
what | va |
8. Conclusion
Well done, you’re now 200 words in and just 800 words away from fluency. How many of these words did you know already? Were most of them new to you? We look forward to hearing from you in the comments!
Wondering how to round up those extra 800 words?
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