What are the first few words we learn in any language?
They’re the most basic nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that we need for daily interactions. But every language has advanced words that we don’t start learning until later on in our studies.
Once you master the basics, you can begin leveling up and perfecting your language skills by setting your sights on more advanced vocabulary. Luckily, you won’t have to search very far to unearth these word gems.
Below, we have compiled some of the most important advanced Swedish words for you to start studying.

- Advanced Academic Words
- Advanced Business Words
- Advanced Medical Words
- Advanced Legal Words
- Advanced Swedish Verbs
- Advanced Swedish Adjectives
- Advanced Swedish Adverbs
- Conclusion
1. Advanced Academic Words

Learning academic vocabulary is crucial. For many people, it’s one of the most challenging aspects of learning a foreign language. When I was in school, I had to memorize the definition of every vocabulary word. But the acquisition of foreign languages doesn’t quite work that way.
There are two main reasons for this. First, knowing the definition of a word doesn’t mean you know how to use it in a sentence. Second, the meaning of a word can vary slightly depending on the context.
In scientific studies, articles, and other academic texts, words are defined more concretely than in regular conversation. Additionally, words that have more than one meaning are often used differently in academic contexts than they are elsewhere.
But let’s keep things simple here. Below are a few advanced Swedish words related to academia.
Swedish | English | Swedish Example Sentence | English Example Sentence |
Dock (adv.) | However | Det stämmer dock inte. | However, that is not true. |
Relation (n.) | Relation / Relationship | 1: Det finns ingen relation mellan händelserna. 2: De har inlett en relation tillsammans. | 1: There’s no relation between the events. 2: They have started a relationship together. |
Studie (n.) | Study | Resultatet presenteras i en ny studie. | The result is presented in a new study. |
Social (adj.) | Social | Hon är social och gillar andra människor. | She is social and likes other people. |
Begrepp (n.) | Concept | Det är ett välkänt begrepp. | It’s a well-known concept. |
Form (n.) | Form / Shape | Det är en form av kampsport. Han är i god form innan tävlingen. | It’s a form of martial arts. He’s in good shape before the competition. |
Betydelse (n.) | Significance | Det är en bagatell och utan större betydelse. | It’s a trifle and without much significance. |
Analys (n.) | Analysis | Det framgår i analysen. | That is made clear in the analysis. |
Utifrån (adv.) | Based on | Det gick bra utifrån omständigheterna. | It went well based on the circumstances. |
Perspektiv (n.) | Perspective | Våra perspektiv skiljer sig åt. | Our perspectives differ. |
Beskriva (v.) | Describe | Jag kan inte beskriva hur lycklig jag är. | I cannot describe how happy I am. |
Text (n.) | Text | Ni behöver skriva en kort text om ämnet. | You need to write a short text on the topic. |
Innebära (v.) | Mean | Det kommer innebära slutet för oss! | It will mean the end for us! |
Exempelvis (adv.) | For example | Du kan exempelvis gå till sängs, eller läsa en bok. | For example, you can go to bed or read a book. |
Utgöra (v.) | Constitute | De kommer inte att utgöra ett hot länge till. | They will not constitute a threat for long. |
Orsak (n.) | Reason | Det finns ingen orsak till oro. | There is no reason for concern. |
Såväl (con.) | As well | Han har arbetat inrikes såväl som utrikes. | He has worked domestically as well as abroad. |
Enligt (prp.) | According to | Det går inte enligt dem. | That’s not possible, according to them. |
Därmed (adv.) | Thus | Därmed slutar vår saga så som den började. | Thus ends our fairy tale as it began. |
Diskussion (n.) | Debate | Vi får ta upp det till diskussion på mötet. | We will have to bring it up for discussion at the meeting. |
Samband (n.) | Connection | Det finns inget samband mellan de två fallen. | There is no connection between the two cases. |
Forskning (n.) | Research | Vi behöver mer forskning på ämnet. | We need more research on the subject. |
Dels (con.) | Partly | Det är dels mitt fel, och dels hennes. | It’s partly my fault, and partly hers. |
Tolkning (n.) | Interpretation | Slutet är öppet för tolkning. | The ending is open to interpretation. |
Referera (v.) | To refer | Jag får lov att referera till expertis på området. | I will have to refer to expertise in the field. |
(Part of speech: n; noun, v; verb, adj; adjective, adv; adverb, prp; preposition, con; conjunction)
2. Advanced Business Words

In addition to academic words, business vocabulary is incredibly important. You’ll need to know this type of vocabulary before applying for a job or doing anything that requires a formal report/presentation.
In the professional world, we use many more advanced words than we do in everyday conversations. This is true even if our job doesn’t require any special training.
For example, let’s say you encounter a difficult situation at work and want to talk about it with your boss. You might say something like, “That was an unfortunate circumstance.” If you were talking to anyone other than a superior, such as your friends or family, you would probably use the word “unlucky” instead.
As you approach an advanced level in Swedish, becoming familiar with this special set of terminology will certainly give you a leg up in the business world.
Swedish | English | Swedish Example Sentence | English Example Sentence |
Division (n.) | Division | Vi studerar multiplikation och division. | We study multiplication and division. |
Huvudkontor (n.) | Head office | Var ligger deras huvudkontor? | Where is their head office? |
Outsourcing (n.) | Outsourcing | Han fick sparken på grund av outsourcing. | He was fired due to outsourcing. |
Uppsägning (n.) | Termination | Det räcker med en varning istället för uppsägning. | A warning instead of termination is enough. |
Tillgångar (n.) | Assets | Tillgångarna överstiger utgifterna. | The assets exceed the expenses. |
Lager (n.) | Stock | Oroa dig inte, vi har flera på lager. | Don’t worry; we have several in stock. |
Aktieägare (n.) | Shareholder | Styrelsens beslut lär inte vara populärt hos aktieägarna. | The board’s decision is not likely to be popular with the shareholders. |
Ränta (n.) | Interest rate | Vad erbjuder banken för ränta? | What interest rate does the bank offer? |
Personalavdelning (n.) | Human resources department | Hon arbetar vid personalavdelningen. | She works in the human resources department. |
Omsättning (n.) | Turnover | Omsättningen ökade under det andra kvartalet. | Turnover increased during the second quarter. |
Medel (n.) | Funds | Det saknas medel till att investera. | There are no funds to invest. |
Dotterbolag (n.) | Subsidiary | De öppnade ett dotterbolag dit de kunde flytta kostnaderna. | They opened a subsidiary where they could move the costs. |
Avgift (n.) | Fee | Det tillkommer en avgift för sittplats. | There is an additional fee for seating. |
Lönebesked (n.) | Payslip | Skatten framgår på lönebeskedet. | The tax appears on the payslip. |
Partnerskap (n.) | Partnership | Deras partnerskap var bräckligt. | Their partnership was fragile. |
Arbetsmarknad (n.) | Labor market | Arbetsmarknaden har återhämtat sig efter lågkonjunkturen. | The labor market has recovered from the recession. |
Kompensera (v.) | Compensate | Vi kommer att kompensera dig för uppdraget. | We will compensate you for the assignment. |
Ansöka (v.) | Apply | Jag kommer att ansöka till tjänsten. | I will apply for the position. |
Gren (n.) | Branch | Avbrottet kommer att påverka samtliga grenar av företaget. | The interruption will affect all branches of the company. |
Bokföring (n.) | Accounting | De kom undan med det på grund av kreativ bokföring. | They got away with it because of creative accounting. |
Registrerat varumärke (n.) | Registered trademark | Produkten lyder under ett registrerat varumärke och får inte kopieras utan tillstånd. | The product is subject to a registered trademark and may not be copied without permission. |
Konkurs (n.) | Bankruptcy | Om inte vinsten ökas är en konkurs nära förestående. | Unless the profit is increased, bankruptcy is imminent. |
Affärsresa (n.) | Business trip | Han är på affärsresa, kan jag ta ett meddelande? | He’s on a business trip; can I take a message? |
Tillsvidareanställning (n.) | Permanent contract | Efter sex månader övergår det till en tillsvidareanställning. | After six months, it will be changed to a permanent contract. |
Visstidsanställning (n.) | Fixed-term contract | De hittar alltid något skäl till att sparka en vid avslutat visstidsanställning. | They always find some reason to fire you at the end of a fixed-term contract. |
Chef (n.) | Boss | De kom relativt väl överens med chefen. | They got along relatively well with the boss. |
(Part of speech: n; noun, v; verb, adj; adjective, adv; adverb, prp; preposition, con; conjunction)
3. Advanced Medical Words

I’m not a doctor, but as someone who has had to visit the doctor on several occasions, I know how important it is to understand what’s being said. For me, the worst part about going to the doctor is feeling clueless and helpless. I feel a lot better when I can ask questions and get answers in my native language.
Luckily, in most countries, there are professional medical interpreters available to help you communicate with your doctor. If that’s not an option for you, use the following list of advanced Swedish words to start learning the most important medical vocabulary.
Swedish | English | Swedish Example Sentence | English Example Sentence |
Behandling (n.) | Treatment | Som tur var svarade hon väl på behandling. | Fortunately, she responded well to treatment. |
Godartad (adj.) | Benign | Det är en godartad tumör. | It is a benign tumor. |
Sterilisera (v.) | Sterilize | Ni behöver sterilisera verktygen innan operationen. | You need to sterilize the tools before the operation. |
Smittsam (adj.) | Contagious | Sjukdomen är inte smittsam. | The disease is not contagious. |
Bedöva (v.) | Anesthetize | Vi kommer att bedöva området innan det första snittet sker. | We will anesthetize the area before the first incision is made. |
Allergi (n.) | Allergy | Har du några allergier vi behöver känna till? | Do you have any allergies we need to know about? |
Blodtryck (n.) | Blood pressure | Han led av högt blodtryck på grund av övervikt. | He was suffering from high blood pressure due to being overweight. |
Fraktur (n.) | Fracture | Röntgen visar på en fraktur i lårbenet. | The X-ray shows a fracture in the femur. |
Röntgen (n.) | X-ray | Vi behöver ta röntgen för att se ifall en fraktur föreligger. | We need to take an X-ray to see if there is a fracture. |
Antibiotika (n.) | Antibiotics | Endast bakteriella infektioner kan behandlas med antibiotika. | Only bacterial infections can be treated with antibiotics. |
Hjärtattack (n.) | Heart attack | Han avled i en hjärtattack. | He died of a heart attack. |
Immunförsvar (n.) | Immune system | Immunförsvaret måste utmanas för att bli starkare. | The immune system must be challenged to become stronger. |
Blödning (n.) | Bleeding | Vi måste få stopp på blödningen innan vi syr igen såret. | We have to stop the bleeding before we stitch up the wound. |
Vaccinera (v.) | Vaccinate | Det är en sjukdom som går att vaccinera mot. | It is a disease that can be vaccinated against. |
Recept (n.) | Prescription | Du behöver ett recept för att få det läkemedlet. | You need a prescription to get that medicine. |
Biverkan (n.) | Side effect | Högt blodtryck och yrsel är kända sidoeffekter hos medicineringen. | High blood pressure and dizziness are known side effects of the medication. |
Blodprov (n.) | Blood test | Blodprovet visade positivt för olagliga substanser. | The blood test showed positive for illegal substances. |
Influensa (n.) | Influenza | Årets influensa ger en ovanligt hög feber. | This year’s influenza gives an unusually high fever. |
Klåda (n.) | Itching | Betten kan leda till klåda och rodnad. | The bite can lead to itching and redness. |
Menstruation (n.) | Menstruation | Graviditetstest tas vid försenad menstruation. | Pregnancy tests are taken in case of delayed menstruation. |
Svalg (n.) | Pharynx | Patienten har halsont med synbar rodnad i svalget. | The patient has a sore throat with visible redness in the pharynx. |
Mage (n.) | Stomach | För mycket kryddor gjorde att hon fick ont i magen. | Too much spice made her stomach ache. |
Ryggrad (n.) | Spine | Efter olyckan var de noga med att ryggraden hölls stilla. | After the accident, they made sure that the spine was kept still. |
Revben (n.) | Ribs | Han knäckte ett revben i matchen. | He broke a rib in the match. |
Lungor (n.) | Lungs | Lungorna är skadade av rökning. | The lungs are damaged by smoking. |
Infektion (n.) | Infection | Vi behandlar infektionen med antibiotika. | We treat the infection with antibiotics. |
(Part of speech: n; noun, v; verb, adj; adjective, adv; adverb, prp; preposition, con; conjunction)
4. Advanced Legal Words

The next set of advanced Swedish vocabulary we’ll look at consists of words related to the law. Keep in mind that legal terms can vary slightly depending on the country or region you live in, as well as the legal system you’re referring to.
For example, in the United States, words like “district attorney” and “prosecutor” have different meanings than they do in the United Kingdom. But no matter where you live, it’s important to understand basic terms like “murder” and “assault.”
For both legal professionals and the general public, knowing these words is essential. This is especially true if you frequently engage with legal professionals in your personal or professional life. For example, if you need to hire a lawyer or go through the court system, being familiar with basic legal terms will help you communicate with your attorney.
Legal words are particularly difficult for many people to learn because they’re generally abstract and complex. They also tend to have multiple meanings.
The list below will help you get started with legal vocabulary in Swedish.
Swedish | English | Swedish Example Sentence | English Example Sentence |
Auktoriserad (adj.) | Authorized | Vi hänvisar dig till en auktoriserad återförsäljare. | We refer you to an authorized dealer. |
Förlikning (n.) | Settlement | De två parterna nådde en förlikning. | The two parties reached a settlement. |
Brottsregister (n.) | Criminal record | Brottsregister kommer att kontrolleras under anställningsprocessen. | Criminal records will be checked during the recruitment process. |
Appellationsdomstol (n.) | Court of appeals | Ytterligare klagomål får du ta upp med appellationsdomstolen. | You can take up further complaints with the court of appeals. |
Juridiskt biträde (n.) | Legal counsel | Offret saknade juridiskt biträde. | The victim lacked legal counsel. |
Rättslig (adj.) | Legal | Det är osannolikt att det leder till rättslig påföljd. | It is unlikely that it will lead to legal repercussions. |
Bevis (n.) | Evidence | Vad har ni för bevis för påståendet? | What evidence do you have for the claim? |
Kalla (v.) | Summon | Målsäganden kallar sitt första vittne. | Plaintiffs summon their first witness. |
Juridiska ombud (n.) | Legal representative | Som anklagad har du rätt till juridiskt ombud. | As an accused, you have the right to a legal representative. |
Registrera (v.) | Register | Det är registrerat till protokollet. | It is registered to the protocol. |
Tvist (n.) | Dispute | Halva styrelsen är inblandade i rättsliga tvister. | Half the board is involved in legal disputes. |
Husrannsakan (n.) | Warrant | Utan husrannsakan kommer ni inte in! | Without a warrant, you will not enter! |
Företrädare (n.) | Representative | Jag är företrädare i fallet då den drabbade på grund av sina skador inte kan närvara. | I am a representative in the case as the victim is unable to attend due to his injuries. |
Notarie (n.) | Notary | Vi ber notarien stryka det från protokollet. | We ask the notary to delete it from the minutes. |
Skjuta upp (v.) | Postpone | Vi har inget annat val än att skjuta upp det till ett senare tillfälle. | We have no choice but to postpone it to a later date. |
Rättegång (n.) | Trial | Ni kommer att kallas till rättegång då åklagaren har tillräcklig bevisning. | You will be called to trial when the prosecutor has sufficient evidence. |
Allmän åklagare (n.) | Public prosecutor | Som allmän åklagare har hon ont om tid. | As a public prosecutor, she is short of time. |
Hävda (v.) | Claim | Du hävdar alltså att någon planterade bevismaterialet på dig? | So, you claim that someone planted the evidence on you? |
Betalning (n.) | Payment | Skulle betalningen vara sen tillkommer en straffavgift. | Should the payment be late, a penalty fee will be added. |
Kidnappning (n.) | Kidnapping | Polisen utreder just nu brottet som en kidnappning. | Police are currently investigating the crime as a kidnapping. |
Angripare (n.) | Assailant | Angriparen var tydligt berusad. | The assailant was clearly intoxicated. |
Bestickning (n.) | Bribery | Han meddelades avsked på grund av bestickning. | He was fired due to bribery. |
Inbrott (n.) | Burglary | Gemene man vill att inbrott bestraffas betydligt hårdare. | The common man wants burglary to be punished much more severely. |
Utpressning (n.) | Blackmail | Bilderna användes för utpressning. | The pictures were used for blackmail. |
Hot (n.) | Threat | De fick ett antal hot via sociala medier. | They received a number of threats via social media. |
Misshandel (n.) | Assault | Han var anklagad för misshandel, men hävdade självförsvar. | He was accused of assault, but claimed self-defense. |
(Part of speech: n; noun, v; verb, adj; adjective, adv; adverb, prp; preposition, con; conjunction)
5. Advanced Swedish Verbs
At this stage in your Swedish learning journey, you probably know quite a lot of nouns and pronouns. Now, let’s move on to something equally important: Swedish verbs.
In the English language, verbs can be either regular or irregular. Regular verbs are those that follow predictable conjugation patterns to form the past, present, and future tenses. For example, they’re conjugated for the past tense by adding “-ed” or “-d” to the end of the verb: “walked.”
By contrast, verbs that are considered irregular need an entirely different structure to form the past, present, and future tenses. For example, the past tense of “sing” is “sang,” not “singed.”
Even though there are irregular verbs in Swedish, many speakers of Romance languages (like French and Italian) find it really easy to learn most Swedish verbs because their conjugation is so simple.
Additionally, many common verbs in the Swedish language are very similar to English verbs, but with a unique pronunciation.
For example, in English, we say “I have a home” and “I had a home.” In Swedish, that comes out as Jag har ett hem and Jag hade ett hem. In this case, the perfect tense of “had” and hade surely tells the tale that these are closely related languages.
Let’s take a closer look at some of the most important verbs you’ll want to learn in the Swedish language.
Swedish | English | Swedish Example Sentence | English Example Sentence |
Att börja | To start | Jag börjar varje morgon med frukost. | I start each morning with breakfast. |
Att länka | To link | Genom att länka till sidan ökar dess popularitet. | By linking to the page, its popularity increases. |
Att skriva | To write | Jag älskar att skriva brev. | I love writing letters. |
Att utse | To nominate | Vi kommer att utse dig till borgmästare. | We will appoint you mayor. |
Att visa | To show | Glöm inte att visa din legitimation. | Do not forget to show your ID. |
Att berömma | To praise | Det är viktigt att berömma dem då de gör något bra. | It is important to praise them when they do something good. |
Att ha | To have | Det är bra att ha mat i skafferiet. | It is good to have food in the pantry. |
Att säga | To say | Jag har en hel del att säga till skolstyrelsen. | I have a lot to say to the school board. |
Att delta | To participate | De riktigt små barnen får pris bara för att delta. | The really small children get a prize just for participating. |
Att initiera | To initiate | När du är redo kan du initiera startproceduren. | When you are ready, you can initiate the startup procedure. |
Att balansera | To balance | Han balanserade på en lina mellan två skyskrapor. | He balanced on a rope between two skyscrapers. |
Att omfamna | To embrace | Låt mig omfamna er i all vänskaplighet! | Let me embrace you in friendship! |
Att förbättra | To enhance | Minneskorten kommer att förbättra datorprestandan avsevärt. | The memory cards will significantly improve computer performance. |
Att utveckla | To elaborate | Kan du utveckla argumentet lite närmare? | Can you elaborate on the argument a little further? |
Att samarbeta | To collaborate | Jag tror vi kan lyckas om vi samarbetar. | I believe we can succeed if we cooperate. |
Att framkalla | To evoke | Filmen framkallade sentimentala minnen hos mig. | The film evoked sentimental memories in me. |
Att särskilja | To distinguish | Det är svårt att särskilja årets modell från de tidigare. | It is difficult to distinguish this year’s model from the previous ones. |
Att artikulera | To articulate | Försök att artikulera bättre för ökad förståelse. | Try to articulate better for greater understanding. |
6. Advanced Swedish Adjectives
As you might have guessed, advanced Swedish adjectives are very similar to those in the English language. However, there are some slight spelling and pronunciation changes when converting an English adjective into Swedish.
For example, the English adjective “good” is irregular and declines as “better” and “best.” The Swedish word for “good” is bra, and the similarities can be seen in the likewise irregular comparative and superlative forms bättre and bäst.
Swedish adjectives also decline based on gender to some extent. Let’s see an example using the superlative “best”:
- Vi behöver den bäste mannen för jobbet. (“We need the best man for the job.”)
- Vi behöver den bästa kvinnan för jobbet. (“We need the best woman for the job.”)
It may take time to get used to these changes, but once you do, speaking Swedish will become much easier. In fact, you’ll start to pick up on them even before you’ve completely mastered the words.
Here are some advanced Swedish adjectives you may not have learned yet.
Swedish | English | Swedish Example Sentence | English Example Sentence |
Grundläggande | Fundamental | Rätten till liv är en grundläggande rättighet. | The right to life is a fundamental right. |
Bekväm | Comfortable | Hemleverans är en bekväm lösning. | Home delivery is a comfortable solution. |
Annorlunda | Different | Hon bar en något annorlunda jacka, med lila tofsar. | She wore a somewhat different jacket, with purple tassels. |
Lätt | Easy | Det är inte alltid lätt att stiga upp på morgonen. | Getting up in the morning is not always easy. |
Svår | Difficult | Det är en svår fråga, kan du ge mig en ledtråd? | That’s a difficult question; can you give me a clue? |
Knepig | Tricky | Vi har hamnat i en knepig situation utan uppenbar lösning. | We have ended up in a tricky situation without an obvious solution. |
Obekväm | Inconvenient | Jag blev obekväm i deras sällskap och valde att gå hem. | I became uncomfortable in their company and chose to go home. |
Jobbig | Annoying | Han kunde bli jobbig ibland då han kände sig utanför. | He could become annoying sometimes when he felt left out. |
Kritisk | Critical | Detta är en kritisk situation och vi måste agera snabbt! | This is a critical situation, and we must act quickly! |
Självständig | Independent | Det är en självständig nation och vi saknar auktoritet där. | It is an independent nation and we lack authority there. |
Komplicerad | Complicated | Det är en komplicerad maskin som jag inte förstår mig på. | It’s a complicated machine that I do not understand. |
Teknisk | Technical | Vårt tekniska kunnande leder oss till framgång. | Our technical know-how leads us to success. |
Lycklig | Happy | Sagan fick ett lyckligt slut. | The story had a happy ending. |
Underhållande | Entertaining | Det var en underhållande film. | It was an entertaining movie. |
Uppfriskande | Refreshing | Vill du ha något uppfriskande att dricka? | Do you want something refreshing to drink? |
Gammaldags | Old-fashioned | Det är en gammaldags lösning, men alltjämt effektiv. | It is an old-fashioned solution, but still effective. |
Segrande | Victorious | Vi gick segrande ur kampen. | We emerged victorious from the battle. |
Charmig | Charming | Han var oerhört charmig och alla tyckte om honom. | He was extremely charming, and everyone liked him. |
7. Advanced Swedish Adverbs
Just like with English, many adjectives in Swedish can be transformed into adverbs by simply adding a suffix.
For example, the English adjective “quick” can easily be changed into the adverb “quickly” by adding the suffix “-ly.” The Swedish adjective with the same meaning is snabb, which can be changed into the adverb snabbt. The Swedish suffix most commonly used for this purpose is, as you might have guessed, “-t.”
There are, of course, many adverbs that are not directly linked to an adjective, but they are quite often similar to their English counterparts as well. For example:
- Soon (Snart)
- Afterward (Efteråt)
- Often (Ofta)
It might take some time for you to get used to writing Swedish adverbs. However, the good news is that it’s not so difficult to learn the most common ones.
Swedish | English | Swedish Example Sentence | English Example Sentence |
Enkelt | Easily | Han lyfte enkelt vikten över huvudet. | He easily lifted the weight over his head. |
Nu | Now | Jag går hem nu. | I’m going home now. |
Före | Before | Ät inte godis före middagen. | Do not eat sweets before dinner. |
Mer | More | Jag vill ha mer kaka! | I want more cake! |
Onormalt | Abnormally | Du sover onormalt mycket nu för tiden. | You sleep abnormally much these days. |
Hopplöst | Hopelessly | Hon är hopplöst förälskad i honom. | She is hopelessly in love with him. |
Tvivelaktigt | Doubtfully | Han såg tvivelaktigt på mig. | He looked at me doubtfully. |
Ljudligt | Noisily | Vagnen rullade ljudligt in på gården. | The cart rolled noisily into the yard. |
Intensivt | Intensely | Man kunde höra någon intensivt skratta från grannrummet. | You could hear someone intensely laughing from the next room. |
Intressant | Interestingly | Intressant nog pågår seden fortfarande. | Interestingly enough, the custom is still going on. |
Oväntat | Unexpectedly | Han sparkade oväntat upp dörren. | He unexpectedly kicked the door open. |
Motvilligt | Reluctantly | Hon skrattade motvilligt åt det grova skämtet. | She laughed reluctantly at the crude joke. |
Oerhört | Tremendously | Det är en oerhört imponerande trädgård du har! | It is a tremendously impressive garden you have! |
Optimistiskt | Optimistically | Nu är det viktigt att vi ser optimistiskt på saken. | At this point, it is important that we look at the matter optimistically. |
Knappt | Barely | Han hade knappt fyll sju år. | He had barely celebrated his seventh birthday. |
Lydigt | Obediently | De slog lydigt undan med blicken. | They obediently looked away. |
Alltid | Always | Det finns alltid plats för en till. | There is always room for one more. |
Rasande | Furiously | Han sprang rasande efter dem. | He ran furiously after them. |
8. Conclusion
It’s easy to get comfortable with the words you know in Swedish, but a challenge awaits for those who want to learn more.
Learning advanced Swedish vocabulary is necessary if you need to discuss legal issues with a lawyer, explain health concerns to a doctor, or attend university in this beautiful country. Luckily, there are many resources available to help people learn the basics and level up to native-like fluency.
SwedishPod101 is the most comprehensive resource you could lay your hands on. Here, you can find thousands of lessons in audio, video, and text format—all designed to help you learn Swedish in the fastest, easiest, and most fun way possible.
Happy learning!
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