Archive for the 'Swedish Culture' Category
November 17, 2021
Learn the Names of Animals in Spanish
Animals may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you hear “Sweden.”
Maybe you think about the delicious Swedish meatballs you had that one time. Or maybe the sailing enthusiasts you’ve seen on Instagram. While this Nordic country is known for those things and more, what it’s not given enough credit for is its stunning diversity of wildlife.
Learning animal names in Swedish will help you describe and talk about the huge number of wild creatures that call Sweden home. Moose, beavers, wolves, brown bears, arctic foxes, wolverines, lynxes, wild boars, otters…and the list goes on. There are even tours dedicated to finding specific animals (like lynxes) in the wilderness. As such, learning the names of animals in Swedish will be... Show more
August 26, 2021
Impress Your Date: Phrases to Express Your Love in Swedish
If you google "dating in Sweden," you’ll get loads of negative results and failure stories:
"Swedes have no dating culture."
"Swedes just hang out and never date."
"Swedes stay in their circles."
Considering the nation’s strong emphasis on gender equality, Swedish women tend to be less dependent on men compared to women in some other countries. In addition, government-supported childcare makes it easier for mothers to be self-dependent.
But that doesn’t mean romance is dead! In fact, Swedes are very warm and loyal once you’ve developed a bond with them. Learning how to express your love in Swedish will greatly benefit you, whether you’re fetching for something long-term (like marriage) or pining for a more short-term,... Show more
July 15, 2021
Why learn Swedish? Here are 10 great reasons.
Are you wondering why so many people now choose to study Swedish? Or maybe you’ve started studying this beautiful language yourself, and need some extra motivation to keep you going on your language-learning journey…
Either way, you’ve come to the right place. Here, we’ll answer the question, "Why learn Swedish?" and discover all the benefits and advantages learning Swedish can bring into your everyday life.
Did you know, for example, that Swedish is the key to having easier access to all Scandinavian languages? This is because Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian are mutually intelligible, which means speakers of one language have little trouble understanding speakers of the others.
If you’re a language-lover (or an admirer of all... Show more
June 10, 2021
Speak Like a Native: 30 Swedish Proverbs and Idioms
Proverbs are popular sayings that provide a little dose of wisdom, a truth that is sometimes so obvious it’s overlooked.
Can you think of a proverb in your native language that touched you in an important moment of your life?
Well, I can think of one: "There is no time like the present." So let’s get to it!
Proverbs add versatility and color to our spoken language, so today we’ll introduce you to the thirty most common Swedish proverbs. Using any one of these at just the right moment is sure to impress native speakers!
If you really want your language skills to shine, knowing proverbs in the Swedish language is a great way to start. And of course, it will also help you better fit in with Swedes and gain a deeper understanding of... Show more
May 14, 2021
A Fairytale City Escape: Visit Stockholm’s Top Destinations
Imagine a summer’s day spent strolling along waterfront promenades and harbors, surrounded by pencil-colored historical buildings and leafy parks…
But wait, you don’t need to imagine it. Just visit Stockholm!
The capital of Sweden is made up of fourteen islands, through which the freshwater Lake Mälaren flows out into the Baltic Sea. Sounds like an idyllic place, doesn’t it? And that’s not all: Outside of the city, the Stockholm Archipelago continues with over 30,000 more islands.
In this travel guide, you’ll discover Stockholm’s top eleven destinations as well as some extra tips and hints.
As St. Augustine said, "The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page." And I assure you, the pages of this... Show more
May 13, 2021
English Words in Swedish: Do You Know Swenglish?
It’s no secret that Swedes speak English well.
But if you dropped in unexpectedly on a Swedish company’s conference call, you might be a little surprised to hear everyone speaking in English despite the fact that everyone working there was born and raised in-country.
What gives?
Shouldn’t they be speaking...Swedish?
Well, because of many different factors, there are quite a few modern colloquial English words in Swedish. They call this phenomenon "Swenglish," and here’s what it’s all about.
Table of Contents
Putting Swenglish in Context
Examples of Swenglish
English Loanwords
What a Swedish Accent Sounds Like in English
English Words Originally From Swedish
Putting Swenglish in Context
... Show more
April 23, 2021
What Swedish Culture Really Means
How long was it after you heard the word "IKEA" that you started studying Swedish?
IKEA, like meatballs and beautiful nature, produces a strong image of Swedish culture and the Swedish people.
When you study a language, it’s important to know about the culture of where that language is spoken. If you learn from dictionaries and textbooks alone, you’ll never get a sense of what life is like on the streets in that country; if you only watch YouTube street interviews, you’ll never know what the literature is like.
How up-to-date or complete are your mental images of Sweden?
On this page, you’ll get to know Swedish culture a bit better. This knowledge, in turn, will act as an important complement to your language studies now and in... Show more
April 22, 2021
Walpurgis in Sweden: Ready to Have a Witchin’ Time?
Witches, sorcerers, costumes, tricks, and, it’s not Halloween! We’re talking about Valborgsmässoafton (Valborg or Walpurgis Night) in Sweden.
While you might not associate the beginning of spring with witchcraft and sorcery, this correlation has some interesting roots in numerous European countries. In this article, you’ll learn about the origins of this mystical holiday and how it’s celebrated today.
Let’s go!
1. What is Walpurgis Night in Sweden?
In Sweden, Walpurgis and May Day take place each year on the night of April 30 and day of May 1 respectively. This festival is also common in a number of other European countries, including Germany, Finland, the Czech Republic, and Estonia.
... Show more
March 29, 2021
The Best Swedish Foods For Your Study Breaks
Would you say that you’re the adventurous type? One for tall waves on high seas, long journeys, and tough challenges?
Whether you’re a beginner or an expert in Swedish, you know that the Swedish language can have its rough spots. Why not anchor yourself with something nice and tasty, something closely connected to Swedish culture?
Aside from language, cuisine is one of the most tangible aspects of culture. Go down any main street in any town and you’ll see restaurants serving local and foreign foods right alongside each other. But what about Swedish food?
You may be lucky enough to have Swedish restaurants nearby, or perhaps you have Swedish relatives who can cook nice meals for you.
None of the above? Well in that case, it... Show more
March 20, 2021
Swedish Waffle Day: A Sweet Start to Spring
What if I told you there was one day a year when you could eat all the waffles you could possibly want? Yes, I’m talking about Waffle Day (formerly known as Our Lady Day) in Sweden.
If you have a mighty sweet tooth on you (or just love pastries a lot), it’s your lucky day! We’ll discuss the origins of this holiday, get your mouth watering with some info on Swedish waffles, and cover some key vocabulary.
Let’s get started!
1. What is Waffle Day?
In Sweden, Våffeldagen (Waffle Day) is a springtime holiday during which the general population can indulge in a feast of waffles! But despite the holiday’s festive and indulgent nature, it was originally celebrated as a solemn feast called Vårfrudagen (Our... Show more