We make it easy for you to sound like a native!
Absolute Beginner



In this set of 5 lessons, you will learn the very basics about Swedish pronunciation. We break down all the sounds to make it easy for you to sound like a native!

PRONUNCIATION Title Topic Function Summary
#1 Basic Native Consonant Sounds Swedish Consonants Learning how to pronounce Swedish Consonants. Consonant sounds in Swedish and how they are pronounced
#2 Basic Vowels Swedish Vowels Learning about Swedish vowel diphthongs Vowel sounds broken down
#3 Swedish Intonation Swedish Intonation Learning about tone and emphasis Swedish high and low tones.
#4 Regional Pronunciation Swedish Dialects Learning about dialects in Swedish Central Standard Swedish, Southern Sweden (Scanian), Northern Sweden
#5 Five common pronunciation mistakes Common Mistakes Learning to avoid common mistakes in Swedish #1: Remember to Trill Your "-R's"!
#2: Remember the Intonation!
#3: The difference between long and short vowels.
#4: Sound!
#5: Recognize the letters Å, Ä, Ö!