
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Jasmine: Hi, everyone. Jasmin here, and welcome back to Basic Bootcamp Lesson 5. Counting from 100 to 1.000.000 in Swedish. This is the fifth of a five part series that will help you ease your way into Swedish.
Morten: Hi. My name is Morten. Welcome.
Jasmine: In this lesson, we’ll continue with more of the essentials of Swedish numbers and venture into higher number territory, the numbers over 100, all the way to 1.000.000.
Morten: Sounds great.
Jasmine: You’ll be listening to two people at an auction.
Morten: That’s right. They’ll be bidding on an ancient Swedish vase.
Jasmine: Let’s listen to the conversation.
A: Etthundra
B: tvåhundra
A: trehundra
B: fyrahundra
A: femhundra
B: sexhundra
A: sjuhundra
B: åttahundra
A: niohundra
B: ettusen
A: tvåtusen
B: tretusen
A: fyratusen
B: femtusen
A: sextusen
B: sjutusen
A: åtta tusen
B: niotusen
A: tiotusen
B: tjugotusen
A: trettiotusen
B: fyrtiotusen
A: femtiotusen
B: sextiotusen
A: sjuttiotusen
B: åttiotusen
A: nittiotusen
B: etthundratusen.
A: En miljon!
Morten: Let’s hear it slowly now.
A: Etthundra
B: tvåhundra
A: trehundra
B: fyrahundra
A: femhundra
B: sexhundra
A: sjuhundra
B: åttahundra
A: niohundra
B: ettusen
A: tvåtusen
B: tretusen
A: fyratusen
B: femtusen
A: sextusen
B: sjutusen
A: åtta tusen
B: niotusen
A: tiotusen
B: tjugotusen
A: trettiotusen
B: fyrtiotusen
A: femtiotusen
B: sextiotusen
A: sjuttiotusen
B: åttiotusen
A: nittiotusen
B: etthundratusen.
A: En miljon!
Morten: And now with the translation.
A: Etthundra
A: one hundred
B: tvåhundra
B: two hundred
A: trehundra
A: three hundred
B: fyrahundra
B: four hundred
A: femhundra
A: five hundred
B: sexhundra
B: six hundred
A: sjuhundra
A: seven hundred
B: åttahundra
B: eight hundred
A: niohundra
A: nine hundred
B: ettusen
B: one thousand
A: tvåtusen
A: two thousand
B: tretusen
B: three thousand
A: fyratusen
A: four thousand
B: femtusen
B: five thousand
A: sextusen
A: six thousand
B: sjutusen
B: seven thousand
A: åtta tusen
A: eight thousand
B: niotusen
B: nine thousand
A: tiotusen
A: ten thousand
B: tjugotusen
B: twenty thousand
A: trettiotusen
A: thirty thousand
B: fyrtiotusen
B: forty thousand
A: femtiotusen
A: fifty thousand
B: sextiotusen
B: sixty thousand
A: sjuttiotusen
A: seventy thousand
B: åttiotusen
B: eighty thousand
A: nittiotusen
A: ninety thousand
B: etthundratusen.
B: one hundred thousand
A: En miljon!
A: one million!
Jasmine: Let’s use these numbers and talk about prices in Sweden.
Morten: And let’s do them in the local currency, [kronor]. 10 [kronor] is approximately 1 euro.
Jasmine: What’s the price of an average meal in Stockholm?
Morten: Stockholm’s not the cheapest city in Sweden since it’s the capital, but of course you can get a full meal for about 100 [kronor].
Jasmine: Which is roughly 10 euros. What about a very nice meal?
Morten: Oh, the price might jump up to 200, 250, 300, and yet it’s not the most expensive one.
Jasmine: Wow, that’s up to 30 euros. The food must be really good there.
Morten: The most expensive food is usually trendy, modern food.
Jasmine: So let’s look at our vocabularies and figure out how to say those prices in Swedish.
Morten: First we have…
Jasmine: [Ett hundra.]
Morten: 100.
Jasmine: [Ett hundra.]
Morten: Then we have…
Jasmine: [Två hundra.]
Morten: 200.
Jasmine: [Två hundra.]
Morten: Next is…
Jasmine: [Tre hundra.]
Morten: 300.
Jasmine: [Tre hundra.]
Morten: Then we have…
Jasmine: [Fyra hundra.]
Morten: 400.
Jasmine: [Fyra hundra.]
Morten: The next one is…
Jasmine: [Fem hundra.]
Morten: 500.
Jasmine: [Fem hundra.]
Morten: And next is…
Jasmine: [Sex hundra.]
Morten: 600.
Jasmine: [Sex hundra.]
Morten: Then we have…
Jasmine: [Sju hundra.]
Morten: 700.
Jasmine: [Sju hundra.]
Morten: And the next word is…
Jasmine: [Åtta hundra.]
Morten: 800.
Jasmine: [Åtta hundra.]
Morten: Then there’s…
Jasmine: [Nio hundra.]
Morten: 900.
Jasmine: [Nio hundra.]
Morten: And we’ll continue with…
Jasmine: [Ett tusen.]
Morten: 1,000.
Jasmine: [Ett tusen.]
Morten: And next is…
Jasmine: [Två tusen.]
Morten: 2,000.
Jasmine: [Två tusen.]
Morten: Then we have…
Jasmine: [Tre tusen.]
Morten: 3,000.
Jasmine: [Tre tusen.]
Morten: The next word is…
Jasmine: [Fyra tusen.]
Morten: 4,000.
Jasmine: [Fyra tusen.]
Morten: Next is…
Jasmine: [Fem tusen.]
Morten: 5,000.
Jasmine: [Fem tusen.]
Morten: Then we have…
Jasmine: [Sex tusen.]
Morten: 6,000.
Jasmine: [Sex tusen.]
Morten: And our next word is…
Jasmine: [Sju tusen.]
Morten: 7,000.
Jasmine: [Sju tusen.]
Morten: Next we have…
Jasmine: [Åtta tusen.]
Morten: 8,000.
Jasmine: [Åtta tusen.]
Morten: Next is…
Jasmine: [Nio tusen.]
Morten: 9,000.
Jasmine: [Nio tusen.]
Morten: And we’ll continue with…
Jasmine: [Tio tusen.]
Morten: 10,000.
Jasmine: [Tio tusen.]
Morten: Next is…
Jasmine: [Tjugo tusen.]
Morten: 20,000.
Jasmine: [Tjugo tusen.]
Morten: Then we have…
Jasmine: [Trettio tusen.]
Morten: 30,000.
Jasmine: [Trettio tusen.]
Morten: Next word is…
Jasmine: [Fyrtio tusen.]
Morten: 40,000.
Jasmine: [Fyrtio tusen.]
Morten: Next is…
Jasmine: [Femtio tusen.]
Morten: 50,000.
Jasmine: [Femtio tusen.]
Morten: Then we have…
Jasmine: [Sextio tusen.]
Morten: 60,000.
Jasmine: [Sextio tusen.]
Morten: Our next word is…
Jasmine: [Sjuttio tusen.]
Morten: 70,000.
Jasmine: [Sjuttio tusen.]
Morten: And next we have…
Jasmine: [Åttio tusen.]
Morten: 80,000.
Jasmine: [Åttio tusen.]
Morten: And next we have…
Jasmine: [Nittio tusen.]
Morten: 90,000.
Jasmine: [Nittio tusen.]
Morten: Then we have…
Jasmine: [Ett hundra tusen.]
Morten: 100,000.
Jasmine: [Ett hundra tusen.]
Morten: And finally we have…
Jasmine: [En miljon.]
Morten: 1,000,000.
Jasmine: [En miljon] There are two numbers we have to pay special attention to. 1,000,000 and 0.
Morten: When it comes to 0 I can’t think of a better example than including it in your phone number when we pronounce all the digits separately.
Jasmine: And most likely 1,000,000 is a number you’d only use if you hit the jackpot.
Morten: It’s true, at least when it comes to money.
Jasmine: What about all other millions? Doesn’t the ending in [miljon] change?
Morten: It does, but it will be easy to remember. Listeners, please repeat after Jasmin.
Jasmine: [En miljon.]
Morten: 1,000,000.
Jasmine: [Två, tre, fyra- miljoner.]
Morten: 2, 3, 4,000,000.
Jasmine: [Fem, sex, sju, åtta, nio- miljoner]
Morten: 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,000,000.
Jasmine: So the change is [miljon] becomes [miljoner] when in plural.
Morten: Could you give us an example?
Jasmine: I'm looking for a meaningful one. How about [två miljoner sextiotre tusen niohundra furtiofem]?
Morten: And what does that mean? Not something creepy again, I hope.
Jasmine: Well, it depends on how you look at it. It’s the population of the entire Stockholm metropolitan area.
Morten: Ok, so we use our usual formula here. 2,063,945, same as English. And now let’s have another example, the only one where we pronounce digits separately in English - a phone number.
Jasmine: [noll sju noll, tre fem sju, ett ett två, tre fyra.]
Morten: They can also be pronounced in tens, but for better understanding we use separate digits. Let’s take a look at the structure of multiples of 100.
Jasmine: We’ve already learned how to say 100, [ett hundra]. So to build multiples of 100, we simply take numbers two to nine and add [hundra] at the end.
Morten: Adding that [hundra] can be difficult at first but you’ll get the hang of it. So please listen and repeat.
Jasmine: [Två hundra, tre hundra, fyra hundra, fem hundra, sex hundra, sju hundra, åtta hundra, nio hundra.]

Lesson focus

Morten: From the previous Boot Camp, we hopefully also remember how to build three digit numbers with 100. Now, we’ll use the same system to build number from 200 through to 999.
Jasmine: [Fyrahundra ett.]
Morten: 401. Sounds familiar. Oh, there is a horror TV show in America called “Room 401”. What’s next?
Jasmine: [Tvåhundra trettiosju]
Morten: Why do you come up with such creepy numbers? Room 237 was the one in Stephen King’s “The Shining”, the one all the horror started from.
Jasmine: Yeah, somehow I have a good memory for creepy things.
Morten: Anyway, it sounds exactly like in English - 237.
Jasmine: And next [niohundra fjorton].
Morten: And again, we have a literal translation into English, 914, and luckily I have a better association with this number. There was a cute old Porsche built about 40 years ago called Volkswagen Porsche 914.
Jasmine: And about five years earlier, Porsche [niohundra tolv] was built.
Morten: Porsche 912? Ok, can you remember any other interesting things with numbers 1,000 and above? Oh, but first, Jasmin, give us the word for thousands.
Jasmine: [Tusen.]
Morten: So 1,000 is…
Jasmine: [Ett tusen.]
Morten: And 4,000?
Jasmine: [Fyra tusen.]
Morten: So we take the number four and add one thousand.
Jasmine: So here’s what we have. Listeners, repeat after Morten.
Morten: [Ett tusen, två tusen, tre tusen, fyra tusen, fem tusen, sex tusen, sju tusen, åtta tusen, nio tusen, tio tusen.]
Jasmine: When we say 21,000, 22,000, 23,000, we just say [tjugoett tusen, tjugotvå tusen, tjugotre tusen] and so on.
Morten: So you just take a multiple of ten, add a number from one to nine and then add thousand. Easy as that? So give us a complicated four digit number.
Jasmine: [Tvåtusen tolv.]
Morten: Nice, that’s the current year - 2012.
Jasmine: How about [Nittiotusen tvåhundra tio.]?
Morten: I know that. Another TV show number - 90210, but in Swedish we’d say that as 90210. Ok, give us the last one, Jasmin. The year you were born, for example.
Jasmine: Oh, you didn’t have to say for example to know my age. Anyways, I mentioned it before, so the year I was born is [ett tusen niohundra åttioåtta].
Morten: 1988? 1988? So the formula with numbers in the thousands is first you say how many thousands you have, then how many hundreds, then tens, then ones.


Jasmine: Yes, like in most languages. I think that’s a lot of numbers.
Morten: Yes, I'm more than satisfied with my number quota for the day.
Jasmine: That’s it for this lesson.
Morten: Thanks for listening. [Hej då! Vi ses!]

