
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Alisha:Hi everyone, I’m Alisha, and welcome back to SwedishPod101.com! This is Beginner Season 1, lesson 12 - What Can You Expect at a Swedish Office Party?
Satsuki:Hej allihopa, I’m Satsuki.
Alisha:In this lesson you will learn how to talk about the past with a specific time reference.
Satsuki:The conversation takes place at Lisa’s apartment, and it’s between Lisa and her friend Anna.
Alisha:Yes, and they’ll be using causal Swedish since they know each other.
Satsuki:Let’s listen to the conversation!

Lesson conversation

Anna Var inte du på personalfest förra veckan?
Lisa Förra veckan? Du menar förrförra veckan?
Anna Ja just det, förrförra veckan. Hur var det?
Lisa Det var okej.
Anna Okej?
Lisa Alla drack och var väldigt fulla.
Anna Det låter som en typisk svensk personalfest.
Lisa Jasså?
Alisha: Let’s hear the conversation one time slowly.
Anna Var inte du på personalfest förra veckan?
Lisa Förra veckan? Du menar förrförra veckan?
Anna Ja just det, förrförra veckan. Hur var det?
Lisa Det var okej.
Anna Okej?
Lisa Alla drack och var väldigt fulla.
Anna Det låter som en typisk svensk personalfest.
Lisa Jasså?
Alisha: Now let’s hear it with the English translation.
Anna Var inte du på personalfest förra veckan?
Alisha:Didn't you attend an office party last week?
Lisa Förra veckan? Du menar förrförra veckan?
Alisha:Last week? You mean the week before last?
Anna Ja just det, förrförra veckan. Hur var det?
Alisha:Yes, exactly, the week before last. How was it?
Lisa Det var okej.
Alisha:It was okay.
Anna Okej?
Lisa Alla drack och var väldigt fulla.
Alisha:Everybody drank and was very drunk.
Anna Det låter som en typisk svensk personalfest.
Alisha:It sounds like a typical Swedish office party.
Lisa Jasså?
Alisha:Poor Lisa, it sounds like she was shocked by how drunk her co-workers got! But Satsuki, do Swedish people drink a lot?
Satsuki:Well, I will answer that question with the help of some statistics. On average, Swedes over the age of fifteen drink around nine liters of pure alcohol per year. However, the legal drinking age in Sweden is eighteen.
Alisha:I see, but aren’t there any differences between, for example, men and women?
Satsuki:Yes, there are. Men actually drink twice as much alcohol as women do.
Alisha:Hmm, sounds like Swedes drink quite a lot!
Satsuki:Well, not all Swedes drink...actually, about 10 percent of the population does not drink at all.
Alisha:And how do Swedes behave when they’re drunk?
Satsuki:Good question! You know how we’ve talked before about Swedes being pretty quiet and withdrawn?
Satsuki:Well, that’s not the case after they’ve had a couple of beers! It’s like they transform into these outgoing, sometimes loud creatures that talk to strangers, as if that were the most natural thing in the world!
Alisha:Ah, now I understand why Lisa sounded a bit overwhelmed! But with that, let’s move on to vocab.
Alisha:Let's take a look at the vocabulary for this lesson.
The first word we shall see is:
Satsuki:personalfest [natural native speed]
Alisha:office party
Satsuki:personalfest [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:personalfest [natural native speed]
Satsuki:förra [natural native speed]
Satsuki:förra [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:förra [natural native speed]
Satsuki:förrförra [natural native speed]
Alisha:before last
Satsuki:förrförra [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:förrförra [natural native speed]
Satsuki:att mena [natural native speed]
Alisha:to mean
Satsuki:att mena [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:att mena [natural native speed]
Satsuki:vecka [natural native speed]
Satsuki:vecka [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:vecka [natural native speed]
Satsuki:väldigt [natural native speed]
Satsuki:väldigt [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:väldigt [natural native speed]
Satsuki:fulla [natural native speed]
Satsuki:fulla [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:fulla [natural native speed]
Satsuki:det låter som [natural native speed]
Alisha:it sounds like
Satsuki:det låter som [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:det låter som [natural native speed]
Satsuki:typisk svensk [natural native speed]
Alisha:typical Swedish
Satsuki:typisk svensk [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:typisk svensk [natural native speed]
Satsuki:alla [natural native speed]
Satsuki:alla [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Satsuki:alla [natural native speed]
Alisha:Let's have a closer look at the usage for some of the words and phrases from this lesson.
Satsuki:Let’s start with the word ‘fulla’
Alisha:That means “drunk”, right?
Satsuki:That’s how it’s used in this lesson’s dialog, but it can also mean other things.
Alisha:Really? Like what?
Satsuki:In other contexts, it can also mean “complete” or “full”. Let’s look at some examples.
Satsuki:For example, if you want to say “I have complete control of the situation”, you would say ‘jag har full kontroll over situationen’.
Alisha:Okay, and any other examples? What if you wanted to say “the bus was full”?
Satsuki:Then you would say ‘bussen var full’.
Alisha:Okay, I understand. What else can we talk about?
Satsuki:Next, we will look at the phrase ‘typisk svenskt’
Alisha:And that means “typical Swedish”, right?
Satsuki:Yes! And it’s a good expression to use, because you can ask if something is “typical Swedish”. For example, if you try a really nice dish.
Alisha:Like Swedish meatballs?
Satsuki:Yes, exactly! You can get more information about the meatballs by asking “are meatballs a typical Swedish dish”?
Alisha:And how do you say that in Swedish?
Satsuki:‘Är köttbullar en typisk svensk måltid’.
Alisha:Great! Now, let’s move on to the grammar.

Lesson focus

Alisha:In this lesson, you’ll learn how to talk about the past with a specific time reference.
Satsuki:Yes, and being able to talk specifically about when something happened can be a nice skill to master.
Alisha:This should not be too difficult to learn, since we’ve learned how to talk about what has already happened in a previous lesson. Remember, listeners? You just need to change the verbs into their preterite tense.
Satsuki:That’s right, so now we’ll focus more on how to do it with the help of a time reference.
Alisha:What kind of time reference will we look at?
Satsuki:Well, let’s start with the two that appear in the dialog.
Alisha:Do you mean when Lisa says “last week” and “the week before last”?
Satsuki:Yes, exactly those two! And in Swedish you would say ‘förra veckan’ for “last week” and ‘förrförra veckan’ for “the week before last”.
Alisha:Maybe we should let the listeners practice that.
Satsuki:Good idea! Listeners, repeat after me. ‘Förra veckan’ [pause], ‘förrförra veckan’.[pause]
Alisha:Okay, but what if you want to use a different time reference than “last week”?
Satsuki:Well, what’s good about these time references, is that you can change the noun ‘veckan’ to any other time reference, like “year”, “months” or a season, like “spring”.
Alisha:Okay, I see. How about “the month before last”?
Satsuki:It works in the exact same way. So, for example, if you want to say “the month before last” you say ‘förrförra månaden’.
Alisha:I think I understand, but maybe we should give some examples of whole sentences where we talk about what happened in the past, with the help of the time references we have learned today.
Satsuki:Okay, where should we start?
Alisha:Well, how would you say “I bought a new couch the month before last” in Swedish?
Satsuki:You would say ‘jag köpte en ny soffa förrförra månaden’.
Alisha:Now let’s get our listeners to repeat that.
Satsuki:Sure! Listeners, repeat after me! ‘Jag köpte en ny soffa förrförra månaden’.[pause]
Alisha:Okay, one more! How would you say “last year I went to Ibiza”?
Satsuki:‘Förra året åkte jag till Ibiza’.
Alisha:So, it’s also possible to put the time reference at the beginning of the sentence, instead of at the end?
Satsuki:Yes, absolutely!
Alisha:That’s good to know!
Satsuki:Yes! Now listeners, repeat after me. ‘Förra året åkte jag till Ibiza’. [pause]
Alisha:Great! I think that’ll do for this lesson! Thanks for listening, everyone, and be sure to check the lesson notes.
Satsuki:Yes, please do! See you next time, Hej då!

