
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Kellie: Hi everyone, and welcome back to SwedishPod101.com This is Intermediate Season 1 Lesson 5 - Leaving a Swedish Voicemail, Kellie Here.
Vicky: Hej! I'm Vicky.
Kellie: In this lesson, you’ll learn about recognizing phone messages and leaving messages. The conversation takes place at home.
Vicky: It's between Annie and a recording.
Kellie: The speakers are a person and a phone message. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.
Meddelande: Abonnenten du söker är för tillfället upptagen. Var vänlig lämna ett meddelande efter pipet.
Annie: Hej Kalle, det är Annie! Jag skulle vilja prata med dig om picknicken imorgon! Det vore jättebra om du kunde ringa mig när du hör det här meddelandet! Vi ses!
Meddelande: För att lyssna på ditt meddelande, tryck 1(ett). För att spela in ett nytt meddelande tryck 2 (två). För att skicka meddelandet, tryck 3 (tre).
Kellie: Listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Announcement: The subscriber you are looking for is currently unavailable. Please leave a message after the beep.
Annie: Hi Kalle, it's Annie! I’d like to talk to you about the picnic tomorrow! It would be very nice if you could call me when you hear this message! See you!
Announcement: To listen to your message, press 1. To record a new message, press 2. To send your message, press 3.
Kellie: Vicky, is voicemail used a lot in Sweden?
Vicky: Recently in Sweden, like in many other countries around the world, it’s become more common to text than to actually call someone. Most cellphone operators also make text messages free, and you just need to pay for your calls plus a monthly fee.
Kellie: Sending text messages is more attractive and convenient than calling because of the unlimited service. What about home phones?
Vicky: More and more households in Sweden are getting rid of their home phones, or in Swedish hemtelefoni, so each member of the family just has their own cellphone and can be contacted directly.
Kellie: What kinds of phones are most popular in Sweden?
Vicky: Nowadays the cell phones used in Sweden are commonly iPhones or smartphones such as Sony and Samsung.
Kellie: Good to know. Okay, now onto the vocab.
Kellie: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Vicky: abonnent [natural native speed]
Kellie: subscriber
Vicky: abonnent[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: abonnent [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: för tillfället [natural native speed]
Kellie: currently
Vicky: för tillfället[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: för tillfället [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: picknick [natural native speed]
Kellie: picnic
Vicky: picknick[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: picknick [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: pip [natural native speed]
Kellie: the beep
Vicky: pip[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: pip [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: var vänlig [natural native speed]
Kellie: please
Vicky: var vänlig[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: var vänlig [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: upptagen [natural native speed]
Kellie: unavailable
Vicky: upptagen[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: upptagen [natural native speed]
Kellie: Next we have..
Vicky: att spela in [natural native speed]
Kellie: to record
Vicky: att spela in[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: att spela in [natural native speed]
Kellie: And last..
Vicky: att trycka [natural native speed]
Kellie: to press
Vicky: att trycka[slowly - broken down by syllable]
Vicky: att trycka [natural native speed]
Kellie: Let's have a closer look at some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first phrase is..
Vicky: för tillfället
Kellie: meaning "currently."
Vicky: We use this when we want to express that something is in a certain state right now, at this moment. It can be about your current employment or to describe any other current situation.
Kellie: Can you give us an example?
Vicky: Sure. For example, you can say.. Vi har slut på all glass för tillfället.
Kellie: ..which means "We're out of all ice cream for the moment."
Vicky: This expression is a little bit formal. If you’re talking with friends, or someone you know well, you may want to use the expression just nu, meaning "right now," as in Just nu koncentrerar jag mig på arbetet
Kellie: meaning "Right now I am focusing on work." Okay, what's the next word?
Vicky: upptagen
Kellie: meaning "unavailable."
Vicky: We use this adjective when something can't be used at the moment, or someone is not free to do something at the moment. Upptagen can be used both in formal and informal situations.
Kellie: Can you give us an example using this word?
Vicky: Sure. For example, you can say.. Alla platser på tåget är upptagna.
Kellie: .. which means "All seats on the train are occupied.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Kellie: In this lesson, you'll learn about recognizing phone messages and leaving messages. Even though phone calls are becoming less common, you might need to call someone and leave a message, especially in a formal situation.
Vicky: Right, for example, when you call a company or a central office of some kind, sometimes you don’t get to talk to an actual person, but will hear a pre-recorded phone message instead.
Kellie: The same thing happens if the person you’re calling doesn’t have their phone on, or if they’re currently talking on the phone. Here we’ll talk about how to recognize those messages and what types of messages there are. Let’s start by looking at the ones in the dialogue.
Vicky: Abonnenten du söker är för tillfället upptagen.
Kellie: “The subscriber you are looking for is currently unavailable.”
Vicky: Var vänlig lämna ett meddelande efter pipet.
Kellie: “Please leave a message after the beep.”
Vicky: För att lyssna på ditt meddelande, tryck 1. För att spela in ett nytt meddelande tryck 2. För att skicka meddelandet, tryck 3.
Kellie: “To listen to your message, press 1. To record a new message, press 2. To send your message, press 3.” As you may have noticed, this type of phone message uses very formal words that you wouldn’t use in normal conversation. That is probably why a lot of people seem to find them confusing.
Vicky: Sometimes, instead of using the word Abonnenten...
Kellie: meaning “the subscriber”
Vicky: ...they say Personen
Kellie: “the person”
Vicky: Sometimes they don’t say that the person you are calling is busy, but might say Personen du söker är upptagen i telefon.
Kellie: meaning “The person you are searching for is taking a call.”
Vicky: If the message starts with the word ange, meaning “enter,” you know that you have to enter something, most likely a number. It could be a telefonnummer, PIN-kod or personnummer
Kellie: which respectively mean “telephone number,” “PIN-code” and “person identity number.” Usually when you have to enter a number, a code, and so on, they want you to press the hash key. What’s the Swedish for “hash key”?
Vicky: Fyrkant, it literally means “square.”
Kellie: In the second half of this lesson, we’ll take a closer look at another topic.
Vicky: That’s right – we’ll see how to use the intensifier jätte-
Kellie: Sometimes when we want to express our feelings, it can also be good to use an intensifier so that what you're expressing really corresponds to what you're actually feeling.
Vicky: jätte, meaning "really" or “very,” can come in handy, because we can use jätte- with almost any adjective. Remember to not separate jätte- and the adjective, since the meaning will change!
Kellie: Can you give us some examples?
Vicky: Jag är jätteglad att du är här.
Kellie: "I'm really happy that you are here."
Vicky: Du är jättesöt idag, precis som alla andra dagar.
Kellie: "You’re very cute today, just like every other day."
Vicky: Even though jätte literally means “giant,” we use it for small things as well. For example, Den där kattungen är jätteliten!
Kellie: “That kitten is really small!” Are there other similar intensifiers?
Vicky: Instead of jätte, we may use other intensifiers as well, such as super- and mega-. There’s also the slang word as-, which young people might use. It’s very informal and not polite at all. For example, Det där nya spelet är ascoolt!
Kellie: “That new game is super cool!” Listeners, be sure to check the lesson notes for more sample sentences.


Kellie: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Vicky: Bye!

