
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

Dana: Must-Know Swedish Social Media Phrases Season 1 Lesson 3 - Playing Sports
Dana: Hi, everyone. I'm Dana.
Mirai: And I'm Mirai.
Dana: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Swedish about playing sports. Anders plays with his friends at the beach, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment.
Mirai: Nu kör vi! Blå mot röd, kom igen!
Dana: Meaning - "Here we go! Blue versus red, come on!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
Anders: Nu kör vi! Blå mot röd, kom igen!
(clicking sound)
Amanda: Du glömmer väl inte middagen ikväll?
Caroline: Du låter taggad!
Molly: Vi vill se bilder!
Alex: Ha så kul men trampa inte på glas!
Dana: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
Anders: Nu kör vi! Blå mot röd, kom igen!
Dana: "Here we go! Blue versus red, come on!"
(clicking sound)
Amanda: Du glömmer väl inte middagen ikväll?
Dana: "You're not forgetting dinner tonight, right?"
Caroline: Du låter taggad!
Dana: "You sound psyched!"
Molly: Vi vill se bilder!
Dana: "We want to see pictures!"
Alex: Ha så kul men trampa inte på glas!
Dana: "Have fun, but don't step on glass!"
Dana: Listen again to Anders's post.
Mirai: Nu kör vi! Blå mot röd, kom igen!
Dana: "Here we go! Blue versus red, come on!"
Mirai: (SLOW) Nu kör vi! Blå mot röd, kom igen! (Regular) Nu kör vi! Blå mot röd, kom igen!
Dana: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Here we go!"
Mirai: Nu kör vi!
Dana: The second word…
Mirai: "Kör"
Dana: ...actually means “drive,” but in the expression…
Mirai: "Nu kör vi" or "nu kör jag"
Dana: ...it just means “here we go,” or “here I go.” It's usually said in situations where a person is about to take a risk or attempt something. For example, a sports game, testing out something new, cleaning the house, etc. Listen again. "Here We Go!" is...
Mirai: (SLOW) Nu kör vi! (REGULAR) Nu kör vi!
Dana: Then comes the phrase "come on!"
Mirai: Kom igen!
Dana: It’s used like the English phrase "come on!" So use it when cheering someone up or cheering for someone. It can also be used sarcastically like in English. Listen again."Come On!" is...
Mirai: (SLOW) Kom igen! (REGULAR) Kom igen!
Dana: All together, it's "Here we go! Blue versus red, come on!"
Mirai: Nu kör vi! Blå mot röd, kom igen!
Dana: In response, Anders's friends leave some comments.
Dana: His girlfriend, Amanda, uses an expression meaning - "You're not forgetting dinner tonight, right?"
Mirai: (SLOW) Du glömmer väl inte middagen ikväll? (REGULAR) Du glömmer väl inte middagen ikväll?
Mirai: Du glömmer väl inte middagen ikväll?
Dana: Use this expression to remind them you have plans this evening.
Dana: His neighbor, Caroline, uses an expression meaning - "You sound psyched!"
Mirai: (SLOW) Du låter taggad! (REGULAR) Du låter taggad!
Mirai: Du låter taggad!
Dana: Use this expression to sound excited for them.
Dana: His high school friend, Molly, uses an expression meaning - "We want to see pictures!"
Mirai: (SLOW) Vi vill se bilder! (REGULAR) Vi vill se bilder!
Mirai: Vi vill se bilder!
Dana: Use this expression to tell them to post pictures.
Dana: His nephew, Alex, uses an expression meaning - "Have fun, but don't step on glass!"
Mirai: (SLOW) Ha så kul men trampa inte på glas! (REGULAR) Ha så kul men trampa inte på glas!
Mirai: Ha så kul men trampa inte på glas!
Dana: Use this expression to tell them to be careful.


Dana: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about playing sports, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know, and we'll see you next time!
Mirai: Hej då!

